Natural Childbirth

An informative video from HBAC parents in the state of Oklahoma presenting the overwhelming positive evidence for home birth VBAC as a safe and legitimate choice.
*Faith Freeman CPM LM lived and practiced in Oklahoma for many years before moving to LA in 2018

Did you know...
~ Studies show that over 95% of those who TOLAC will labor without scar problems, and will VBAC safely and successfully despite having factors that diminish their odds, including those with:
- more than one prior cesarean
- prior cesarean for labor dystocia
- macrosomic baby (weighing 4000g or more)
- advance maternal age
- high body mass index (BMI)
- longer pregnancy duration
- single-layer uterine closure at the prior cesarean
- thin scar
- prior preterm cesarean
- short interpregnancy/interdelivery interval
~ Rates of scar rupture depend heavily on labor management. Studies point towards scar ruptures often being caused by:
- induction with an unripe cervix
- induction using prostaglandin E2 (PGE2)
- induction with misoprostol (now contraindicated)
- high oxytocin dose
- duration at high oxytocin dose
- any other artificial augmentation of labor.
~ Studies show that in the absence of labor-altering drugs, a uterine scar that has remained intact during pregnancy is very likely to remain intact through the birth.
~ Studies and statistics show that scar rupture and VBAC success rates depend far more on the care provider than on the person or the scar.
~ Uterine rupture rate is shown to be between 0.0%-3.8%, depending on the study cited, with the majority of studies showing rupture rates of 0.06%-0.7%
Even with:
- multiple cesareans
- all forms of previous incisions
- artificial induction
- artificial augmentation of labor
~ VBAC decreases maternal mortality by 9 per 100,000 births over ERCD.
~ With full informed consent, a healthy, responsible person can be given the choice to VBAC at home after multiple cesareans.
More Evidence and Statistics for Safety
VBAC Safety Evidence and Statistics ~ What are the true facts
Optimal Care in Childbirth ~ A book citing recent and comprehensive studies regarding childbirth. A very detailed chapter on VBAC risks and benefits.
Midwifery Today: VBAC ~ Articles on key VBAC topics
VBAC, HBAC and VBAMC Resources ~ Books, articles, groups and more
Weighing the Pros and Cons ~ Planned VBAC verses repeat cesarean
Making the Right Choice ~ How to be sure
​ ~ A parent centered, evidence based resource
OB.Gyn.News ~ Barriers to VBAC remain in spite of evidence
​ ~ The International Cesarean Awareness Network
Support Groups
ICAN Facebook ~ International Cesarean Awareness Network Facebook page
Homebirth Cesarean ~ A private Facebook group (request to join) for those who planned a home birth but that ended with a cesarean delivery

Faith Freeman has a heart for providing VBAC births to those who have delivered by cesarean.
She delivers multiple VBACs yearly, and is willing to discuss options with people that have complicated cesarean histories to see if they qualify for HBAC (Home Birth After Cesarean).
What we ask of our VBAC Clients
Along with normal requests for all clients
~ Essential Oil Incision Blend (provided by midwife)
~ Incision Self Massages (provided by midwife)
~ Chiropractic Care with a recommended Chiropractor from at least 24 weeks of pregnancy
~ Provide surgical reports of previous cesarean delivery(s)